代表取締役社長 喜多 敏明
We have been improving our technology to meet the needs of our clients
hand in hand. We propose what we can do to our clients for improvement
or repair of various parts, production capacity expansion and cost reduction
of new equipment. We have many years of experience in technology and we
believe we can contribute to the prosperity of our clients.
President Toshiaki Kita
五十鈴産業は昭和49 年設立以来、鉄鋼産業とともに歩んでまいりました。 豊富な受注実績と、経験豊富なエンジニア集団が、すばやく設備の最適条件を選択し、
お客様企業の付加価値創造に貢献してまいりました。 今後も鉄鋼産業とともに歩みを同じくしてまいります。
製造部長 岩垣 剛史
ISUZU INDUSTRIAL Co., Ltd has been growing since its establishment in 1974
together with the steel industry. In the long experience in serving customers,
we have contributed to our customers to add the value by offering the most
suitable equipment selected by our skilled engineers. We are committed
to grow together with customers in the steel industry.
Production Manager Takeshi Iwagaki

Evolve ourselves to be a technical expert to contribute the steel industry

We strive for the customers’ satisfaction with our high technology
of precision manufacturing with evolving future of the steel industry.